Sunday, July 13, 2014

3 months and counting

Well it has been 3 months now since I started treatment. 

First off, who has time to blog?! I have really been slacking lately, because I still have so much I want to share about Lyme. Like anywhere from 40-60%-ish (different sources have diff numbers) of suffers don't remember being bit by a tick. I don't. And other sources say Mosquitos or other biting or blood sucking insects can also transmit. I shared an article recently of a collaboration of testing across big Texas Universities testing ticks throughout Texas and northern Mexico. And ticks had lyme, and based on our climate they are here to stay. Here's the article:

 One day I will get around to saying all I want to say. But I have been busy re-claiming my life and learning how to balance living it and listening to what my body needs. I'm doing what's best for me right now. Well trying to :) It's a learning process. And a lot of times that means doing something else besides posting. However, I do get called to share things and after what happened today I couldn't resist. 

I have been struggling the last several weeks with my symptoms. Overall I am not really sure I can say I have made a lot or possibly any progress compared to before starting treatment. I have definitely gotten better at managing it with various tools and tricks I have learned, but my pain still sucks and my fatigue isn't where I would like it to be. Being the person I am I keep pushing to do more and go go go. Maybe it's just been catching up with me more. On to my story I wanted to share:

I woke up this morning feeling bad. Like have to help push myself up from a seated position with my arms, I literally bear crawled up and down the stairs bad. (Nice visual huh?!) The kinda day where you have the strength to basically lay in bed all day. Which I haven't been that bad since the whole "it gets worse before better" (aka herx reaction) after first starting Meds. I normally go to the 10am service at my church. Today I opted to watch online. It's amazing how God plans his ways to work in your life when you need it most. The service today was about rejoicing in God always and especially in harder times. We should praise him as though he has already brought you through your tough time or already answered your prayers having faith he will. Praise him and be happy that you have a faithful servant God. Well I was hearing the message and by then bawling and crying out. I started praising and worshiping God and then I heard it in the clearest voice: "Stand up my child." God had spoken to me. I stood and immediately started feeling better and stronger. I got more energy and knew I was going to able to finish the day as I originally intended (going to my nephew's soccer game, then aunt and uncles house to see family etc). His words were calm, stern yet gentle. Get up my child. And I am so grateful for this day he has brought me feeling better!

It's always a little hard for me opening up and sharing so deeply but I know it's for a reason somewhere somehow. I hope you choose to praise God today because MAN HE IS GOOD! Can I get an Amen?!!  

Thanks for following my progress, and feel free to comment or ask questions is you have any! Ps no test results yet, not sure why they are taking so long. Have a blessed Sunday everybody 


1 Peter 6-7:

"In all this you greatly rejoice, though now for a little while you may have had to suffer, grief in all kinds of trials. These have come so that the proven genuiness of your faith - of greater worth than gold, which perishes even though refined by fire - may result in praise, glory and honor when Jesus Christ is revealed."

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