Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Is there a science experiment growing in your body?

A science experiment growing inside me is the first thing that comes to mind when I hear talk about toxic mold in your body aka "mycotoxins"

Apparently this can really be a big problem for people, and well it looks like you can add me to the list. Because if it's weird or rare I am a pro at having it apparently! (Pardon the sarcasm) On a serious note I got mycotoxin testing done through Real Time Laboratories in Carrollton, TX. All you have to do is get a test kit and mail them your pee. Oh and fork up $700 (big ouch) that insurance doesn't re-imburse you for. 

I tested positive for Trichothecene Group. Not sure what that means but I just started reading an article my LLMD (Lyme Literate Medical Doctor) sent me about Mold. And I quote "Trichothecenes are considered extremely toxic and have been used as biological warfare agents" Great!! That sounds fun..yeah can you get this stuff out of me please?!

I was told the mold can possibly cause many of the symptoms and issues I'm currently having so the doc wants me to see a specialist to do an intensive mold detox program. So this is the latest area of research and studying and possibly (likely) going to pursue medically. It's always interesting seeing what road this disease and journey to wellness leads me down next, but MAN is it exhausting. 

My life now is: doctor appointments, refer to new specialist, do paperwork for new doc, fax paperwork, find old medical records, re-fax since they didn't get them, submit claim to insurance for back pay which come to find out I won't get any, order supplements, keep track of multiple supplement inventory and order before running out, sort huge pill box for the weekly Meds, make all food from house because of strict clean non/toxic diet, read about nutrition, methylation/MTHFR, Lyme treatment protocols, mold and heavy medal detox protocols, try to get lots of prayer and worship in because Lord knows how oh so bad I need it right now, workout, pass out from working out when I was too exhausted or pushing too hard, sauna, get massage/body work (not complaining about that part!) to help muscle and joint pain, grocery shop for picky healthy foods only at certain stores so got to go to them separately and in time to not run out of my favorites, place farmer's market orders in advance so they have what I want saved and don't run out, cry because I can hardly walk and have to push myself up to stand, pay medical bills, stress over how the heck am I gonna pay for all this, order RX refills, call because the MD wrote for the wrong RX amount (twice, and with the same med)...then add in any work stress, family stress, other life stress and my cup is feeling pretty darn full. Ok it feels past full..

I apologize for complaining so much tonight but I am so exhausted and so worn out from all of this taking a toll on me. This is me and my life right now. And it's not getting better...YET 

I just keep reaching new lows knowing that my uphill just has to be coming soon. Literally, I'm not sure I can take much more, but I do know that I WAS BORN FOR THIS. I was born the take it. 

So I end my post tonight with IS THAT THE BEST YOU GOT LYME?!! Cause you're gonna have to try a heck of a lot harder to take me down :) 

-side note, sorry to my closest loved ones I have broken down on, complained to and possibly copped and attitude with recently. 😱 Thank you so much for your love, support and understanding! And remember your prayers under agreement with my prayers bring miracles into action:

Matthew 18:19-20
"Again, truly I tell you that if two of you on earth agree about anything they ask for, it will be done for them by the Father in heaven. For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them."

Peace and love,


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