Monday, September 15, 2014

EHCD week 1

So I am 4 days into Detox (I get a kick out of saying that) and well nothing is detoxed yet. I didn't realize the testing process would be so long, intensive or hard for me to tolerate. So it will likely take longer than expected. I have to get through testing before I can order antigen treatment (takes about 2 weeks to get that). The antigens will help me slowly rid the body of what it is I'm allergic to like molds etc. The doctor thinks I will need antigen shots (likely) a couple years, but really it's until I'm better. I am still waiting on some blood work tests to see if I would benefit from other treatments there like oxygen therapy, gamaglobulin, ALF. And still figuring out what all those are/do/cost. I should get my blood test results and know more about that tomorrow. I expect I will be a candidate for a few things, but will have to decide if it's worth the cost. I have started IV vitamins, glutathione etc to help my symptoms. 

So I mentioned I'm not better (yet). Testing the molds is hard for me to tolerate. Literally the first one I did skin testing on I thought I was going to pass out. I got really dizzy, a bad headache and worse body pains. I couldn't think the rest of the afternoon. For that reason I am spacing my mold testing out so I'm not on the floor :) 

Meanwhile I have continued to stay off my antibiotics under my own decision. I am going to share what I am doing right now, but please don't judge me, period. Unless you have lived what I am going through you have no idea..nuff said. So I am self educating on lots of things right now, or trying to. Lyme herbals, herbal protocols, essential oils, biofilm treatments and protocols (as I am chronic). It's overwhelming but I will have help soon. I am going to a very well experienced Lyme Literate Naturopathic Doctor next week to help guide me. Back to what I am doing now, since stopping antibiotics I feel certainly no worse, and maybe a tad better. I decided to go back on OTC citricidal and biofilm defense recommended by another Naturopath I have seen. I also just got A-Bart a powerful liquid to treat bartonella. I have taken it 2 days and boy that stuff is strong! One drop..that's all it takes and all I've got for now. I decided I wanted to start Lyme treatments again, listening carefully to my body, while doing the environmental treatment because I don't feel like the environmental stuff is all of the puzzle. And I want to get 100%. Or at least in the all A's you know what I'm saying!?! I am off work, which is weird by the way, and focused on fully healing myself. I would also prefer to start something new and get a bad first herx done and over before I go back to work. I think about my patients and co-workers a lot. I'll be back soon enough! 

I just started some doing some sauna and exercise (to tolerance) again which I am excited about. It's slow and I'm not the patient type but I have learned my lessons on when to stop from pushing too hard in the past. I want my FULL strength back. Or I'll take some more for now at least!

On a positive note I have zero allergic reaction the dogs. Not that I would ever get rid of my healing buddy Bear :) He is a little shy for pictures lol

I hope everyone has a blessed week! 

"Behold, God is my salvation; I will trust, and will not be afraid; for Jehovah, even Jehovah, is my strength and song; and he is become my salvation."
Isaiah 12:2 ASV

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