Sunday, August 3, 2014

I call this, but you look so normal

My favorite compliment is you look so normal, you don't look sick! Makes me wonder if I should have went into acting :) but I was far too shy growing up to do that! Luckily I grew out of a lot of it. I just wanted to try and share bits and pieces of a day in my Lyme life..

This is what I spend at least 30 minutes or more preparing each weekend for the upcoming week. It is one week of the Meds and suppliments I have to take.

This is my box of stuff I take. I pull from each bottle to sort my week ahead. I made a speadsheet now to follow with all I take on it each day. Otherwise I can't keep track of how much of what all to take when.

Then I transfer one day's worth of pills to this handy container I keep in my purse. It saves me from forgetting to take the Meds when I was at home and left before taking them or something like that. Lessons learned!

My wild and crazy Saturday nights. Don't be jealous! :)

Since I like to end on a positive note, here is me and cutie Cade. My nephews are better medicine than any bottle can provide :) 

There, a now doesn't that face just make you feel better?! (Not mine haha)

I go to my Lyme doctor tomorrow for a follow up visit and I am praying for some changes in my plan that make a difference. Thank you for those that have already donated, your contributions will go toward my cost of my appointment tomorrow! To donate please see the link in my last post. 



"Through the Lord's mercies we are not consumed, because His compassions fail not. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. The Lord is my partion...therefore I hope in him!"
La 3:22-24 NKJV

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