Sunday, May 11, 2014


Thanks for stopping by. I wanted to create a place to record my journey to wellness, in hopes that other's out there can know that they are not alone.

I don't want to get into my long  medical and health history story tonight but this is where I am at now:

I am currently being treated for chronic Lyme disease. I just started week 5 today. There will be more to come of information about that. For those that don't know much about this disease, you are not alone. It seems not many are aware of the fastest growing vector bourbe illness in the United States according to the CDC. And the more I learn, the more I realize it is far more complicated in every way possible.

A good place to start for trustworthy information is 

Another great source is to watch the documentary video "Under Our Skin" you can find it free online but just a warning it is a lengthy one.

For those reading, I invite you all to listen and follow on my journey and fight to get my life back. It's been a bumpy road so far but if their is one thing you will learn about me, I NEVER give up. No matter how hard, how long or how much I have to endure I will find the way to health again.

2 Corinthians 1: 3-5
"Praise be to God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves receive from God. For just as we share abundantly in the sufferings of Christ, so also our comfort abounds through Christ."



  1. I'll be following you, as I stand beside you, during this journey Tara as I consider it "our" journey. You are never alone! I will never forget when you were about 6 or 7 years old and with your hand on your heart, you stated that you wanted to make a difference in peoples lives. I was struck by such a statement by someone at that young age but it was only one example of how deeply your heart feels for others. This blog is another example of that "making a difference" as you try to help others while finding answers for you. Stay strong and know you are surrounded by love my sweet girl.

  2. i'll be following you, praying for you, supporting you...whatever you need girl. you are truly the definition of what a "fighter" is and I know you will concur this just like so many other things. your patients, friends, and family are so lucky and blessed to have someone so self-less in their lives who always puts others first no matter what obstacles they are facing. i know that i am! i love you t-dawg :) xoxo

  3. Following you Tara. All our love and prayers are headed your way!
