Thursday, November 27, 2014

Most Thankful

As I reflect on this last year and all of it's struggles, I am humbled by all who have supported me. Strangers, family, old friends, new friends, you all have been my strength when I have physically and/or mentally run out. You help pick me up when I am broken, like God just sent you right when I needed you most. You encourage me and tell me how strong I am when I feel my weakest. You walk with me even when you don't understand my path.

Thank you to my parents, who give me the shirt off their back. Thank you for letting me into your home, I know it's not always easy! Thank you for your patience and constant love and support. 

Thank you Jessica, my sister, and best friend. For always listening when I need to vent. (About living with mom and dad) (just kidding!) Thank you for your beautiful boys that always help me feel better, and your husband who treats me like I was born his flesh. I am lucky to have you and your whole family by my side. 

I could list all my friends who have been amazing to me, but I won't. I hope you know who you are and how much you mean to me, in every little small way you help! 

I want to especially thank all those who donated to my medical fundraiser. Come high and low I was overwhelmed by the love and generosity of my supporters. I am ashamed I haven't yet thanked each of you individually yet. I hope you feel me giving you a big giant hug!! From the bottom of my heart, THANK YOU! 

I don't know what the future holds, surely more trials and hard times, continued ups and downs, battles and victories, but with all of your support I know I can make it through the worst. I would be lying if I said life was easy right now, but I still have faith that one day I will return to the full "Tara" again. 

I hope everyone's hearts are as full as their bellies today! I love you all, Happy Thanksgiving! 


"Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good! His faithful love endures forever." 1 Chronicles 16:34

"We can rejoice, too, when we run into problems and trials, for we know that they help us develop endurance. And endurance develops strength of character, and character strengthens our confident hope of salvation." Romans 5:3-4