Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Sunny days; EHCD week 4

Well I have been busy. I didn't know I was going to feel so busy while not working! But it's all been extremely worth while. I've been finishing up my testing (actually today was my last day of just the testing part) with some pretty tough days during that. I had to get oxygen one day I reacted so bad to mold testing. I certainly can't deny mold is a big issue for me, and for that reason I know I have not wasted my time or money at the Environmental Health Center of Dallas. I also learned chemicals, Enviromental allergens and foods give me reproduction of my pain, burning and tingling, headaches, foggy head/light-headedness and knee pain. With each of them affecting me a little differently. Just about everything I reacted to makes my darn left knee hurt. Grr! But fear not, now I have the individualized end point (the dose when I neutralize the allergen and no longer react to them) to each of the things I react to that I will (or have already) take antigen shots for to desensitize myself and ultimately get rid of my symptoms over time. 

I will say I was skeptical before starting treatment of the methods, price, time involved etc that entailed getting treatment at EHCD. Well I have to sing Dr Rea's praises because this man is a pioneer in the seemingly small and inadequately addressed field of Environmental Medicine. He is THE MAN of Environmental Medicine! He starts every follow up visit with "well what did we learn?" ha and is surprisingly sharp for his advanced age. But he still sees every patient being treated at EHCD and runs the whole place. My Physical Therapist brain cringes every time I see him walk with horrible gait, but I refrain from giving him any gait advice lol. I still have met only one other person there from the DFW area, only one, and the rest travel from around the nation, or world (there's a few from other countries) with a very big range of degree of illness. Some are extremely sick :( I have added all my EHCD friends to my healing prayers. Feel free to do the same if that's within your beliefs. 

I've learned a lot more about my illness. Well kind of, because in some ways I'm even more uncertain. But it doesn't matter anymore, because now I know how I'm going to get better. And I am fully confident I will. Period. And I am on my way. 

What I know: I have chronic viruses and mold toxicity that could account for all my symptoms. Possibly some other more outside the box/controversial things attributing too. (if you are also sick and/or curious what all I'm talking about feel free to ask me). Am I positive I have Lyme Disease, no. Is it likely that I have had exposure in the past to it and/or other co-infections, maybe? However it has come to light that Lyme may not be my biggest problem right now whether I have had it or not. Regardless something triggered some kind of event activating illness several years ago. I've had varying degrees of illness/issues since. I've got a few theories as to what certain triggers or issues happened, like at some point I can't deny mold exposure. I now know I have chemical sensitivity, so fragrances, cleaners, air fresheners etc give me problems.  I know all this sounds kind of crazy to someone unfamiliar with living through chronic illnesses. I don't really care not to be rude. :) This is my life and my truth as best I know it. I stand by my decisions to never give up and keep searching for the answers that will help me. If you know me, you would expect nothing less than my stubborn self fighting back with unrelenting strength. No illness can ever take that away from me!

I also saw a couple weeks ago a Naturopathic Doctor who works with Dr Lee Cowden, one of the top treating/researching Lyme Doctora. I can see both Physicians conjointly if I want in the future. I left his office feeling like I found the missing piece of my healing puzzle, and this man was going to help me become Tara again. Sometimes I just know, like God telling or reassuring me. Yeah we talk, it's pretty cool. Ha! Anyways, he had impressive technology called Zyto. Let's just sum it up by saying I learned a lot in my 3 hour initial evaluation. He adjusted some supplements for things like adrenal support, things to knock down my high viruses, mycotoxins etc. I also started the Cowden Lyme herbals protocol (developed by dr Lee Cowden). Doing good on that so far. 

The good news, if your still reading with me during my rambling, is I am improving! And I just know I am on the path of full healing and the verge of a huge turnaround. My energy is improving, pain is much slower progress, and my brain seems to be working a little better. The rest of this week I am doing treatments to help me, and going to continue exercising to build my strength back up. I start back at work next week and that will be my big test. I pray I don't have any set backs and have given myself enough time to be strong enough to handle it. Stay tuned. Meanwhile I am soo ready to be out enjoying life again! I have finally started getting out of the house more. I feel like I have missed out on a lot and I don't want to miss anything anymore. I definately have a new appreciation for energy, endurance, strength, and stamina. I still have to pace myself to a degree (eye roll, who's got time for that) but I am just glad I can enjoy some life again. So be sure to invite me to your next fun activity/outing :)

Maybe this picture from Environmental Health Center Dallas helps..

And I like this one too..

Fun fact of the day: There are 78 more days until Christmas! 

Rude fact of the day: I am laying by the pool right now as I type this🙊☀️

Have a blessed day y'all!


7 beareth all things, believeth all things, hopeth all things, endureth all things. (1 Corinthians 13:7 ASV)